Howard and Heidi Weinerman's House is Howard, Heidi, Mort Weinerman and Mrs. Weinerman's main residence, which is most likely located in the suburbs of Norrisville.
It is a house located at the corner of a block. The house is dark blue with a reddish-brown roof. It probably isn't too far away from Cunningham Household and the school, shown from him walking to school.
The first time the Weinerman house appeared was in "Grave Puncher: The Movie!", where Randy was staying over for the night. Howard's room is also the only room inside to have been seen so far.
In "On the Poolfront", Randy and Howard wanted a pool for this house. Mort would've gotten the payment for the pool, had Ninja not destroyed his robot, which cost Mort the promotion and payment for keeping the pool.
In "Mort-al Combat ", the Weinerman's house was seen again, when Randy and Howard were playing video games in the living room. It later got trashed by actual robots, thus partially damaged.
It is eventually revealed that in "Ball's Well That Friends Well" that there is another house that's been next to the Weinermans' home, which Randy and his parents moved into.