Hey, I wanna do episode title puns too.
The Shoobies
Land of the Nomicon
Bowling for Carp
The Sorcerer's Appetite
War of the Words
Shoobs on a Plane
Where the Bruce Things Are
How to Train Your Ninja
Real Big Carp
Diary of a Band Geek
Shoobs and Geeks
How the Sorcerer Stole Christmas
Who Framed the Ninja?
Yeah yeah yeah that was fun, ok I'm all out.
Most of these made me laugh because of how silly they sounded, and from thinking how an episode for those might dish out. Some of them I can't even think of how an episode can be made.
Oh yeah, see if you can figure out what I'm referencing for each. Your prize will be a year supply of...cheese. You know, the cheese that makes you the cheese.