Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
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Oh don't I something to say about this. I didn't like each minute it showcased. This is a bad episode.

Let's start with the problem I think everyone doesn't like: the gross out humor.

Okay, that shark is going to make me throw up. It's skin is peeling off only to patches of flesh on its body....EW! 

Also that snotty kid who...my god. Why do people think the only way to entertain boys is by using joking about the most disgusting parts of the human body. 

They are blatantly saying boys are disgusting people who only like gross out humor. That's extremely sexist, and I do not accept that as truth.

There are ways to entertain boys. Check out the Ninja Turtles remake, it's really good.

And that McFist x Viceroy moment. That's just disturbing!

Who the heck thinks two grown and hairy men rubbing lotion on each other is funny?! That belongs in pornography, NOT in kids shows.

What about the dialogue Heidi was using in the beginning, does anyone understood what she said.

Oh my God, That's something stereotypical teenagers talk like. No teen ever talked like that. These people are trying way too hard to be cool with the kids.

Now my main problems:

The Shame-calator is too cruel. I mean it makes people feel ashamed to be afraid of something. The starting point is higher than natural airplane altitude. ( I won't question it, why should you?)

That is Scary! And they are going to shame people for it, that is the most cruel and despicable act I have ever seen.

That's like saying you're a coward, for being afraid of sleeping in a cabin in a woods, while there's said to be a killer in said woods.

But here's what really kills this episode: We have our Hero destroying a water slide for his own selfish reasons and our Villain refilling the lake to stop a disgusting shark from waking up.

You see the problem? Yeah our characters switched roles. Randy is Howard Jr. for 11 minutes and McFist has done nothing but protect himself from danger.

Way to go.

Besides all of that, this is just your everyday 9GN. I does nothing special.

But it's still horrible and I hate it.