Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
"True Bromance"
Season 2, Episode 6
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Prod. Code: 202b
Premiered: September 30, 2014
Written by:
  Hugh Webber
Storyboard by:
  Chris Copeland & Fabien Tong
Directed by:
  Joshua Taback
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"True Bromance" is the sixth episode of the second season (and fifty-eighth episode overall) of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It premiered on September 30, 2014.


Howard finds some other friends to hang with, causing a jealous Randy to plot a way to drive a wedge between Howard and his new bros.


The episode opens with gameplay of Grave Puncher Dragon Punch Quadfist Bro-dition in which the player character is fighting a dragon. Randy and Howard are playing together, though Randy with much more vigor than Howard, especially since one of Howard's hands is occupied with the soda he's holding. Randy tells Howard to "ditch the fizz." Howard does so by throwing it behind him, hitting a passing Bucky on the head. Bucky makes a sparkling water zing about it.

With Howard now taking the game seriously, the duo get to Level 0, the final level. Before they can defeat it, however, Bucky starts playing on his triangle, announcing that there's a monster outside. Randy prepares to leave, but Howard asks him to stay and complete the level. Randy tells Howard to play with Bucky until he gets back. They argue for a bit before Randy leaves.

Randy discovers a stanked Flute Girl carrying someone in her mouth. Following her into an alley, Randy asks himself why Flute Girl is attacking her bandmate, whose name he doesn't remember, thinking it either "Clare" or "Inet" due to her playing the clarinet. The girl reveals her name is Rachel and that Stevens gave her a trombone lesson, causing Flute Girl to get jealous. Randy runs to the dumpster where Stevens is hiding, rebukes him for his "tom-cattin'," and flings Stevens' trombone into the air and slices it. This destanks Flute Girl, so Randy is content to leave. Rachel, however, is left hanging off the edge of a building.

Randy returns to the Game Hole, only to see Howard and Bucky beat the final level together. Further upsetting Randy, Howard makes cheese-related in-jokes with Bucky and mooches off him for nachos.

The next day, Randy is chasing a giant Robo-Spider. Howard calls Randy, asking him why isn't he at Howard's house. Randy replies he'll be there once he takes care of the spider problem. Randy slices the Robo-Spider in half, only to cause many smaller Robo-Spiders to come out. When Randy expresses disgust at the mess caused by stabbing the spiders, Howard laughs and does a spider-zing, mentioning how much Bucky will enjoy it. Randy is in disbelief that Howard zinged.

The next day, Randy apologizes to Howard for not calling him back (implying he also never showed up to his house). He explains that he was busy wringing spider goo out of his underpants. Howard responds with in-jokes that Randy still doesn't understand. While Randy is expressing his confusion, Howard calls out to Dave and returns his accordion, which was left at Howard's during a jam session that Bucky also attended. Randy and Howard start arguing over Randy's ninja'ing and Howard's hanging out with other people, which is interrupted when they pass Pradeep and Howard exchanges in-jokes with him as well, revealing that Pradeep was also at that jam session. Randy gets even more upset and Howard accuses him of being jealous. Randy denies it, and pretends that the Nomicon is buzzing (it isn't), and slips into the bathroom to consult it. Inside the Nomicon, Randy learns that:

The jealous dragon slays what he should protect

Refusing to believe he could be jealous, Randy misinterprets the lesson to mean he should protect Howard from his "false bros," and vloomps out of the Nomicon.

Later, the Ninja slips notes to Bucky, Dave and Pradeep, posing as Howard asking them to meet on the roof. At lunchtime, Howard tells Randy that his other bros have asked him, via note, to sit with them and that Randy should come too. They get to the table, but per Randy's plan, the guys are not there. Randy tells Howard that they must've stood him up and that this demonstrates who his true bro is. Howard says he already knows Randy is his true bro, while the other guys are just casual bros, causing Randy to feel guilty about tricking them. Bucky, Dave, and Pradeep are shown to be stranded on the roof due to the door locking behind them, and believing that Howard has deliberately left them there, their sense of betrayal gives The Sorcerer the opportunity to stank them.

Stanked Bucky, Dave, and Pradeep burst into the lunchroom. Randy tells Howard to hide as he ninjas out, but Dave still succeeds in grabbing Howard. Asking himself what the causal bros hold most dear leads to Randy concluding he has to destroy Howard to destank them. After his crisis over that is interrupted by a chair hitting him in the head, he repeats to himself the Nomicon's lesson and finally admits to himself he, Randy, was jealous and comes to a new conclusion that "only a Randy can protect a Howard." He de-suits and as Randy admits to the causal bros that he was jealous and sent the notes to them, so the situation was his fault. This destanks them.

Randy assures the casual bros they can still be friends with Howard, but at this point they don't want to be as they are, as Bucky puts it, "scared of getting between Randy and Howard." Randy tells Howard that he understands he was acting like a real shoob and that he will never leave him hanging again. Right after he says that, a stanked Flute Girl chases Stevens down the intersecting hall because she got stank again. Howard accuses Randy of going to leave him hanging again, which Randy tenderly admits, and does. Howard chuckles to himself about what a tomcat Stevens is.


Main characters[]

Secondary characters[]

Background characters[]

Series Continuity[]

  • Stevens's "tomcat" nature makes a return in this episode.
  • The Game Hole's hole of fame scoreboard makes a reappearance.
  • This is the fourth and (so far) final time Flute Girl gets stanked.
    • This is also the third time that the Sorcerer stanks someone without showing the stanking process.
  • This is Pradeep's second main role since "Bash Johnson: 11th Grade Ninja."


  • "Flume-Igation" and "On the Poolfront" are after this episode in production order, but they aired before it.
  • The title is based on the romantic comedy film True Romance.
  • Rachel is introduced by name in this episode.
  • Randy's wallet is shown in this episode.
  • This is the first time Randy destanks a student without wearing the suit.
  • During the end of the episode, Randy and Howard did the same pose from "Last Stall on the Left" when they finished the Grave Puncher 3 game.


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v - e - d Season Two Episodes

Flume-IgationOn the PoolfrontWelcome Back CatfishAll the Juice That's Fish to SwimJulian's Birthday SurpriseTrue BromanceUnstank My HartWhoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2M-M-M-my BolognaEverybody Ninj-alongFudge FactoryBest BudsOtto Know BetterBrolateral DamageLet the Wonk One InThe Curse of MudfartShoot First, Ask Questions LaserNinjceptionHappy Hanukkah, Howard WeinermanSnow-Klahoma!Randy Cunningham's Day OffBro-ing Down the HouseLiving in ShooblivionMcNinja - Brought to You by McFistMastermind of DisastermindThe Brawn Also RisesDebbie MeddleAplopalypse NowRorg: A Hero of a PastMort-al CombatWonkin' for the WeekendNinjafanWhen Howie Met RandyBro Money Bro ProblemsThe Three Mascot-teersEscape from Scrap CityThe Space Cow-BrosThe Fresh Principal of Norrisville HighThe Prophecy of Hat SwordFake Fight For Your Right to PartyMcCluckerbustersLet Them Eat Cake FriesClub Ninja-diseTo Smell and BackBig Trouble in Little NorrisvilleWinner Takes BallBall's Well That Friends Well
