Theresa's Mouse is an unnamed pet mouse owned by Theresa Fowler, who only appeared in "McFreaks".
The mouse is brown in color. It knows how to break-dance, and likes to eat crackers. However, it can be extremely aggressive, while cowardly when attacked by those stronger than it.
Theresa let it out from her palms in "McFreaks", until its fun was interrupted by the McFreaks. It then attacked Nine-arm Snake and was furious when Randy snatched it away and stopped it. It then got frightened when Barnabutt Jones pursued it.
- It is strongly indicated that the Mouse has a personal grudge against Randy, judging by its resentful squeaks as Randy told it off and let it go.
- Mice can eat crackers, like this Mouse did, but they can't eat crackers and other treats for over 5% of their diet.