Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
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When a ninja's fight is done. It is time for him to learn The Ultimate Lesson. His mind is wiped of all he has learned, so that his experience may become a part of the NinjaNomicon.

–NinjaNomicon (The Ninja Supremacy)

The Ultimate Lesson is an important room within the NinjaNomicon as well as the final stage of The Norrisville Ninja's term.


Mac, when you're done being the Ninja, you're supposed to mind wipe yourself.
Why would I want to forget how awesome I am?
But the memory of having all this Bruce power can drive you crazy!

–Randy to Mac (Enter the Nomicon)

At the end of the Ninja's four year term, they must all take the Ultimate Lesson. It is where the Ninja's mind is wiped of all the knowledge he had learn throughout his time as the protector of Norrisville. His experience is then incorporated and becomes a part of the NinjaNomicon. It is reasonable to assume that this experience aids future Ninjas to become stronger than the last. It is through this process that the Ninja's secrets are preserved. It is shows that the Ultimate Lesson is vital for the Ninja mental well-being, if they didn't get mind wiped, their memories of the power can drive them crazy as shown with Mac Antfee.

It is also shown that the Ultimate Lesson isn't just used primarily for the Ninja, but can be used for other reasons; such as mind wiping Debbie Kang, making her forget that Randy is The Ninja.

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The entrance to the lesson is shown to be ordinary door with the name of the lesson written boldly with additional warning saying that it must be taken at the end of the Ninja' training. Inside the room, it is spacious with a person being able to walk on empty air. The process of wiping a person's appears to occur when a person enters the room and a helmet of a samurai or shogun (presumably, the NinjaNomicon's physical representation), would appear before the Ninja, golden lights would emerge from its eyes and mouth, and so would the Ninja's eyes glow; as bright golden lights would begin to flash around the room and thus, the Ninja's mind would be wiped, erasing all their memories of being a Ninja.


It was first revealed in "The Ninja Identity" and "The Ninja Supremacy" when Randy mistook the words "ultimate lesson" as the name for a powerful ability. Despite the Nomicon's clear attempt to keep the room away from Randy, he still manage to open the doors and consequently wiped his entire memory instead of just his time as the Ninja. Randy does regains his memories back, thanks to the Nomicon and is also informed about the true nature of the Ultimate Lesson.

The lesson shows up again in "Enter the Nomicon" where it's revealed that Mac Antfee, the former Ninja of 1985 had not received the lesson when he was "fired" or expelled from being the Ninja for abusing his powers. Randy manages to trick and get Mac into taking the Ultimate Lesson and having his memory of being the Ninja wiped from his mind and making him a nice person.

Its final appearance was in "Debbie Meddle" when Debbie Kang figured out that Randy was the Ninja and due to Randy not thinking clearly accidentally proved that he is in fact the Ninja. The Nomicon responded by blaming Randy and charging him with conduct unbecoming a Ninja and brought the ultimate lesson to mind wipe him. However, after Randy survived from the attack of killer robot and Howard managed to trick all the other students to stop believing Randy is the Ninja, the Nomicon mind-wiped Debbie permanently. Randy admitted his mistake to the NinjaNomicon and prepared to be mind-wiped himself, but the NinjaNomicon praised him for his earlier act of bravery that proved his worthiness to be the Ninja.



  • The word "Ultimate" comes from the Latin word "Ultimum", which means "the last".
    • Thus, the name would translate to "The Last Lesson".
  • If Randy was attending Norrisville High during the year 2012-13, then he would have to take the Ultimate Lesson by 2016-17, after graduating high school.
  • "The Ninja Identity" revealed that if a person, such as the Ninja, is taken into the Ultimate Lesson too early or under forced circumstances, their memories have a higher chance of being fragmented.



v - e - d The Norrisville Ninja

NinjaNomiconNinja MaskNinja Suit
Beacon of HopeNinja CandelabraNinja Chain BladeNinja Chain SickleNinja Dual BladeNinja EskrimaNinja Expanding BatonNinja Hand DrillNinja KamasNinja KaginawaNinja Knife SickleNinja ManrikigusariNinja RingsNinja SaiNinja ScarfNinja SpikesNinja Stalling WedgeNinja StickNinja SwordNinja TonfaNinja UkuleleNinja Candelabra
Bee BallCold BallsElectro BallsNinja Fetching BallGlow BallsGut-buster ballHoarking BallHot BallsSlipping BallsSmoke BombsSticky BallTripping BallsTiny Giant Exploding Ball
Art of DisguiseArt of EscapeAir FistArt of HealingArt of InvisibilityArt of FlyingArt of TelepathyArt of StealthComet SprintEarth AttackHydro HandMudBallsNinja Cold RageNinja RageNinja Pukin' PokeNameless Dragon MoveSuper Senses
First NinjaMac AntfeeNinja of '05Randy Cunningham
Eye of EternitiesHalloweenjaNorisu NineSand WormSandjasSorcerer's KeyTenguThe Ultimate LessonThe Enchanted TempleTemple of Forbidden Knowledge of The Shadow Warrior
