Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
"The Curse of Mudfart"
Season 2, Episode 16
Screen shot 2014-10-17 at 3.46.25 PM
Prod. Code: 208b
Premiered: October 17, 2014
Written by:
  Jed Elinoff & Scott Thomas
and Russ McGarry
Storyboard by:
  James Lopez & Max Lawson
Directed by:
  Sean Petrilak
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"The Curse of Mudfart" is the sixteenth episode of the second season (and sixty-eighth episode overall), of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, and the fourth Halloween-themed episode of the show. It premiered on October 17, 2014.


Randy can’t resist tormenting Howard on Halloween by telling the scary story of the terrifying Mudfart and inadvertently brings the maniacal monster back to life.


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Shot of outside of the cabin

The episode begins with Randy telling a scary story about a babysitter having to take care of "a very cranky baby" to Howard, Bucky, Doug, and Dave as they all spend Halloween night in a cabin in the woods, telling each other scary stories. Unsurprisingly, no one is scared by Randy's first story, so he then starts to tell them a new tale, "The Curse of Mudfart." Immediately however, Howard cuts Randy off, warning him not to tell that story, as his cousin Sebastian had told Howard that he'd once attended a sleepover where they told the same story and afterwards no one survived. Doug immediately begins picking at the obvious inconsistency of Howard's story, but Howard simply yells he refused to demand an explanation from his traumatized cousin (thus initiating in this episode the usual running gags of Doug's constant demand for explanations and Howard's consistent abuse of Doug).

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NHS Costume Competition

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Young Jason Myers

Randy insistently narrates the story as the scene shifts to the Norrisville High School gym on Halloween years ago. During the NHS costume competition a student named Jason Myers was named the winner, but as he stood on the stage accepting the award, he accidentally let out an enormous fart lasting for a whole 67 seconds. Humiliated, he ran out the school and sank into the muddy shores of Lake LaRusso, never to be seen again as a human being. As the story goes, Jason was transformed into the monstrous "Mudfart," and if anyone on Halloween night says "Mudfart" 67 times (the exact number of seconds his fart had lasted), Mudfart himself would arise and drag his victims to (as Randy puts it) "their muddy, farty graves!"

Howard immediately asks how many times Randy had said, "Mudfart" (a counter springs up counting the amount of times the name is said), as the rest of the teens start asking various "Mudfart"-related questions, rapidly driving the counter up to "66." Howard, breaking the fourth wall, physically covers the counter and loudly demands that "Everyone stop saying, you know who, you know what." The counter immediately ticks up to "67," to Howard's horrified and outraged disbelief (though as Randy philosophically remarks, "The intent was there").

Immediately, the cabin adopts a darker atmosphere, as the grandfather clock tolls and a strong blast of wind pours in from a window and puts out the fire, plunging the cabin into darkness. This terrifies all the boys (except Randy) and they immediately start barricading the cabin door.

Randy, amidst a series of pranks on the others, heads for the outhouse. Unfortunately, he fails to notice that he has gotten firmly stuck in a patch of mud. He calls out for his friends, but they mistake his cries as being caused by Mudfart's attacking him. Howard rallies the teens to save Randy and also to gloat over Randy for telling the story over Howard's objections.


Randy covered in mud, mistaken for Mudfart

Randy meanwhile escapes the mud pit, but is covered head to toe in muck, giving him a monstrous appearance. Howard and the gang stumble upon him, but, due to all the mud, mistake him for Mudfart. Howard, enraged by being cheated out of the chance to tell Randy "I told you so," orders the group to attack the "monster," forcing Randy to flee. Tripping, Randy tumbles down a slope, at the bottom of which he encounters the real Jason Myers.

Meanwhile, the other boys find Randy's castoff shoe and vow revenge on Mudfart.

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Randy is revealed to be a guest in Jason Meyers's trailer in the woods, and Jason as his gracious and considerate host, helping Randy clean the mud off and serving him cocoa made with cabbage, which are notorious for causing gassiness, as the boy sits bundle up in a Snuggie. Jason has been living in in the woods for 20 years since the fateful Halloween, the events of which severely traumatized him: the laughter of children still haunts him, driving him mad. At this point, Howard and the group arrive outside the trailer, demanding to see Mudfart. Jason at first believe that the same kids from 20 years having back to laugh at him, but Randy steps outside to clear the confusion. He explains that Mudfart isn't real but instead a normal hermit named Jason Myers. Once Jason steps out the door and properly sees the boys, he realizes that they are not the same ones who previously laughed at him. Randy helpfully assures him that no one is going to laugh at him. Randy then points out to Jason that his shoe is untie, which prompts him to bent down to tie it, but unfortunately once he bents down, he releases a fart similar to the one 20 years ago, lasting for 67 seconds. Despite Randy's protest, Howard and the boys erupt into laughter. This triggers Jason to retreat back into his trailer as he is heard loudly sobbing.

Through a pipe that is close to the trailer and back to the school and to the Sorcerer's prison, the sounds of Jason's wailing travels through the pipe and straight into the sorcerer, who sends his stank back to Jason Myers and turning him into Mudfart, a monster comprised completely from slime-like mud. Randy, already changed into the suit, tries to fight Mudfart but finds it incredibly difficult due to his slime body, as weapons simple slide off or just pass straight through him, even Earth Attack is proved to be useless against him. Randy tries to reason with him, and to calm him down in hopes of destanking him. But all attempts fail, the Ninja then tries to attack him from behind but inadvertently gets himself stuck on the back of Mudfart. As the monster tries to reach his arms around to grab the ninja, he accidentally walks on to the wooden boardwalk and falls into the walk, taking the Ninja with him. At first it seems that the Ninja escape, but is dragged back into the waters, as the boys watch on from the platform.

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The twist then finally appears as Randy's voice narrates how the Ninja was never seen again since his fight with Mudfart, as the camera pan from the wooden dock to the beach with all the boys and Randy huddled around a bonfire, revealing that it was all just a story told by Randy. Everyone is impressed by the story, remarking how scared they were, but the moment is ruined by Doug poking holes in Randy's story, specifically on how Jason is able to live in a trailer. This sours the mood and causes the rest to leave the bonfire and return home, ignoring Randy's pleas to stay. As he is left all alone, a fart is heard in the distance. Randy yells out to his friends to cut it out, believing that his friends are trying to scare him with his own story, to which he then says aloud that there is no such thing as Mudfart. Immediately after that, the counter appears showing the total number of mentions of Mudfart's name is now at 67, right after which the actual Mudfart appears out of the water. The camera zooms on his face and then the episode ends.


Main characters[]

Secondary characters[]

Background characters[]


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Series Continuity[]


The Curse of Mudfart - Mud 01
  • In the opening shot a license plate with the letters PTRLK is seen, displaying the consonants from the name of the episode's director, Sean Petrilak.
  • This is the first episode that is mainly a story within a story.
  • Jason Myers's name consists of the first name of Jason Voorhees, the killer from the 1980 slasher film Friday the 13th, and the last name of Michael Myers, the killer from the 1978 slasher film, Halloween.
  • Jason was voiced by Robert Englund, the actor who played the killer Freddie Krueger from the 1984 slasher film, A Nightmare on Elm Street.
    • Jason's character thus seems to unite the killers of the three most famous slasher film franchises.
  • Another family member of Howard's, his cousin Sebastian, was mentioned.
  • Running Gag: Characters silencing Doug.
    • Characters saying "Mudfart" (with an onscreen counter).
  • The melody played by Bucky (on his triangle, no less!) after Randy is "kidnapped" consists of the opening bars of the Marche funèbre, the third movement from Frédéric Chopin's Sonate pour piano no 2 en si bémol mineur ("Piano Sonata No. 2 in B♭ minor"), Opus 35, commonly known as "Chopin's Funeral March."
  • Randy drinks from a mug with the words "The Class of 1993", and since it is mentioned that Jason Myers's incident happened twenty years ago, it means that the show is currently happening in the 2012-2013 school year.
  • If, in the flashback, Slimovitz is supposed to be the principal of Norrisville High in 1993, Randy's story contradicts the one Howard tells in "When Howie Met Randy," in which Slimovitz first becomes a principal in 2005. It is possible, however, that Slimovitz was working as a teacher, vice-principal, or in some other capacity at the school.
  • The boys' mentioning Mudfart's name is a reference to the 1988 film Beetlejuice.
  • In the flashback, Slimovitz is dressed up as the Crow from the 1989 comic The Crow.
    • Jason Myers dressed up as a Gameboy console, which was released in 1989.
  • Two students of 1993 are dressed up as a mummy and a vampire, respectively. Their costumes bear resemblances to the Halloween costumes worn by Nameless Girl with Lavender Hair and Glenn in "Let the Wonk One In".
  • This is the first episode in which Randy "dies."
  • Randy uses the Earth Attack in this episode, not having used it since "Hip Hopocalypse Now."
  • Randy's story is much better at keeping everyone in-character than Howard's impromptu story in "To Smell and Back."
  • This is one of the very few episodes in which the Nomicon gives no lesson.

v - e - d Season Two Episodes

Flume-IgationOn the PoolfrontWelcome Back CatfishAll the Juice That's Fish to SwimJulian's Birthday SurpriseTrue BromanceUnstank My HartWhoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2M-M-M-my BolognaEverybody Ninj-alongFudge FactoryBest BudsOtto Know BetterBrolateral DamageLet the Wonk One InThe Curse of MudfartShoot First, Ask Questions LaserNinjceptionHappy Hanukkah, Howard WeinermanSnow-Klahoma!Randy Cunningham's Day OffBro-ing Down the HouseLiving in ShooblivionMcNinja - Brought to You by McFistMastermind of DisastermindThe Brawn Also RisesDebbie MeddleAplopalypse NowRorg: A Hero of a PastMort-al CombatWonkin' for the WeekendNinjafanWhen Howie Met RandyBro Money Bro ProblemsThe Three Mascot-teersEscape from Scrap CityThe Space Cow-BrosThe Fresh Principal of Norrisville HighThe Prophecy of Hat SwordFake Fight For Your Right to PartyMcCluckerbustersLet Them Eat Cake FriesClub Ninja-diseTo Smell and BackBig Trouble in Little NorrisvilleWinner Takes BallBall's Well That Friends Well
