The Temple of Forbidden Knowledge of the Shadow Warrior (also referred to as "the House of Forbidden Knowledge" by Randy) is a mysterious building inside of the NinjaNomicon which houses the Norrisville Ninja's occult abilities and magical objects such as the Art of Healing, Art of Telepathy, Art of Flying, etc. There seems to be a sinister element attached to the Forbidden Knowledge of the Shadow Warrior, considering the negative effects that generally result from Randy's use of the magical devices kept in its temple. Still, this knowledge does prove helpful to Randy in the game Randy Cunningham - Punchademic, as well as in the episode, " Silent Punch, Deadly Punch" and "Brollateral Damage."
Only two rooms within the Temple have been seen, which are:

Skills Room: This is a spacious room with dark red wallpaper and golden outlines resembling clouds. It stores many of the skills of the Norrisville Ninja, and is filled with yellow floating lanterns with the names of the skills that they hold inscribed on them with bold lettering. Inside the lanterns are scrolls which give instructions on how properly to use these skills. The scroll for the Art of Healing is written in Kanij, and it is likely the same for the others. Other skills include Art of Telepathy, Art of Invisibility, Art of Flying, etc.

Storage Room: It is a corridor dimly lit with paper lanterns. The interior décor is characterized by dark red wallpaper, which is same for the floor and ceiling. There are two rows of black shelves on both sides, held up by square black pillars. Underneath the shelves, there are two rows and four columns of red drawers with yellow handles.
This is used to store multiple magical objects that the Ninja either created or picked up during his term. These objects tend to have a dark nature to them. Various objects can be found such as "Dragon feathers, Goat fangs, Snake fingers," etc.
It is in this room that houses the Essence of Terror. It is also likely that it was in this room that Randy was given The Beacon of Hope.
- The emblem of the Norisu Nine appears on the temple.
- It's revealed in "Let the Wonk One In" that the Temple contains the bottle in which the Halloweenja is confined, as well as many other occult creations of the Shadow Warrior.
- In the game Randy Cunningham: Punchademic, Randy receives the lesson that "The Beacon of Hope is sometimes the least expected hero" against the background of the Temple, and thereupon obtains an actual beacon used to stop the stanked Grave Puncher monsters. The Beacon presumably therefore comes from the Temple.
- The "Shadow Warrior" is probably a reference to the video game called "Shadow Warrior," a first person shooter game featuring a modern ninja warrior.