Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
"Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's Revenge"
Season 1, Episode 48
Randy Cunningham, 9th Grade Ninja - Sorcerer In Love 2 - Revenge Of The Sorceress - You Are All My Prisoners!
Prod. Code: 124b
Premiered: January 25, 2014
Written by:
  Russ McGarry
Storyboard by:
  Kim Arndt & Bob Suarez
Directed by:
  Mike Milo
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"Sorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's Revenge" is the forty-eighth episode of the first season of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It premiered on January 25, 2014.


Randy Cunningham and Howard follow Theresa Fowler and the rest of their classmates to a cool new club downtown only to discover that The Sorceress has returned to seek revenge on The Ninja.


Randy has been playing Manfred Mùstermann at Greg's Game Hole for eight hours straight. Howard informs him that other people are angry that they have to wait in line for him to finish. In order to get him away from the game as quickly as possible he joins Randy on the last level and wins, upsetting his best friend but gaining the approval of the other gamers, as well as a "Hero of the Day" sheriff's star from Greg. Randy becomes jealous and enters the NinjaNomicon, seeking confirmation that he is the true hero. Its response is that

A hero sacrifices all to save the day

which Randy as usual takes as confirmation of his own desires.

Exiting the arcade, the two run into Theresa Fowler waiting in a line and she greets Randy, until Howard interrupts her greeting by telling her that he's hero of the day, which Randy surreptitiously denies. They all enter "Club Super Awesome Teen Time Club" together, where they are awed by its coolness. Bucky informs them that every single person from school is there as well, having been invited by a "mysterious masked hostess" of whom Randy becomes suspicious when he smells something familiarly bad from her. The hostess immediately reveals herself as Amanda Levay, aka the Sorceress.

The Sorceress then turns Flute Girl, Heidi, and Morgan into demon dogs, who begin terrorizing the defenseless students. Howard tries being the hero, but Randy knows the Ninja is the only one who can save the day. He reaches for his mask, but is stopped by Theresa's grabbing his hand in fear.

Despite being unable to put on his mask, Randy uses Theresa's baton to distract the dogs, though such a reckless act only provokes the demon dogs even further, until a sign in the club slams onto and stuns the fierce dogs. It is, however, Howard who receives everyone's admiration after directing them into the bathroom, where Bash barricades the door with a toilet. As the demon dogs begin breaking in, Howard directs the group through a magically appearing door marked "Exit," which leads into a labyrinth of caves. Bucky in terror seizes Randy's other hand. Unfortunately, the exit is only another trap from the Sorceress, who is eager to lead the students to their doom.

In the cave, Randy tries to get Howard to distract Theresa and Bucky so that he can ninja out, which incenses Howard and leads him to accuse Randy of having no faith in him, which Randy readily admits. This causes Bucky to let go of his hand, and Randy regretfully convinces Theresa to do the same.

Finally free from Theresa's hand, Randy puts on his mask and battles the three demon dogs. The dogs manage to drive him into a cavern with a waterfall, where the Sorceress appears, revealing that this is her lair and opening a portal to the Land of Shadows. She reveals that this has been her plan all along: she will trap him in the Land of Shadows and wreak her vengeance on the ones he is "sworn to protect"; Randy defies her, saying that the students are long gone, just as Howard leads them all into the cave. Seeing that the Sorceress is about to eradicate Howard and the rest of the students, the Ninja realizes the Nomicon's lesson and "sacrifices all" by throwing both himself and the Sorceress into the portal in order to banish the Sorceress back to the Land of Shadows for good, but is saved at the last moment by Howard, who frees him from the noodle-arms that have captured him.

Everyone starts cheering for the duo and Flute Girl, Heidi and Morgan are back to normal as well from the Sorceress's stank, and this time Ninja happily shares the adoration with his best friend. Howard is glad that both he and his best friend are safe, although he bemoans losing his star medal to the Land of Shadows. When Bash says that he will follow the Ninja to the "Ninja Hole" aka the portal, Ninja raises Howard's hand saying that this hero will show them the way. Theresa protests, "What about Randy?" but Howard tells her that they will find him crying in some cave on the way. After Ninja corrects his direction, leads the group out while the Ninja stays behind, laughs in relief, and smoke-bombs his way out.


Main characters[]

Secondary characters[]

(Note: the ones below are non-speaking)

Background characters[]

Series continuity[]

  • This episode is a sequel to "Sorcerer in Love."
  • Randy brings up The Sorceress's bad smell in this episode, like he did in "Sorcerer in Love."
  • The Hole of Fame scoreboards, which are first seen in "Weinerman Up", can still be seen in the Game Hole.
  • Julian plays Theremin Hero in the club, recalling the Theremin skills that he had demonstrated in "30 Seconds to Math."
  • Randy references "the zone" while fighting the demon dogs, as he often had done in "Viva El Nomicon."
  • Randy when arguing with Howard appears to use his calming technique as he's done in "Shoob Tube" and "Club Ninja-dise".
  • Howard laughs at the word "duty," as he had in "Wave Slayers" and "Nukid on the Block."
  • Howard also talks about his delicate hands, which were talked about in "The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note" and mentioned in "Ninja Camp."
  • Bucky says "Ninja no-show zing!" in the bathroom. The phrase "Ninja no-show" was used a lot by Howard in "30 Seconds to Math," although in almost an opposite sense to Bucky's.
  • Theresa asks Randy what they are going to do as the demon dogs break the door and Randy sarcastically repeats the question to Howard. This echoes an exchange in "Night of the Living McFizzles," except that there Howard repeated Theresa's question to Randy.
  • For the second time, Randy and Theresa hold hands. The last time they did this was in "Night of the Living McFizzles." Randy also reacts with surprise when Theresa holds his hand and says "Theresa, you're holding my hand"—the same thing he had said when she held his hand in "Night of the Living McFizzles."
    • Randy's crush on Theresa is also heavily indicated in this episode with his heavy blushing and their mutual romantic gaze, prior to his feelings being consolidated in "Shloomp! There It Is!" and later "The Brawn Also Rises".
  • Flute Girl is stanked for the third time in this episode since "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key" and "Lucius O'Thunderpunch".


  • More of the Sorceress's stank's properties and powers are revealed in this episode; instead of relying only on emotional trauma, she can simply use the imminent negative emotions, such as strong fear, to render her stanked victims into primal and feral creatures.
    • She is also implied in the episode to be able to create elaborate traps with her powers.
  • In the credits of this episode, the Sorceress's name is listed as Amanda Levay.
  • The Land of Shadows and the noodle-arms appear for the first time, as opposed to the brief glimpse of a portal which was seen in the Sorcerer's flashback in "Sorcerer in Love."
  • Although there were some students who found out that the Sorceress is Amanda Levay's true identity in "Sorcerer in Love", this is the official instance where all of the Norrisville High students discover this fact.
  • This is the first episode in which Morgan and Heidi Weinerman are stanked, albeit by the Sorceress rather than the Sorcerer.
  • Theresa is revealed that she has a habit of grabbing Randy's hand when she's frightened.
    • She also has an abnormally strong grip that even Randy, who goes through ninja training, can't break free of.
  • This is the first time that Randy and Theresa smile at each other romantically.
  • Howard opens the NinjaNomicon to shloomp Randy in, having previously done this for Mac Antfee in "Enter the Nomicon." Howard is still the only other person besides Randy seen opening the Nomicon on-screen (although Bucky did attempt to open it offscreen in "Raiders of the Lost Nomicon") besides Randy and the Creep.
  • Theresa is the third person to notice Randy's absence while he's the Ninja. Bucky, afraid of getting detention, noticed in "Monster Dump," and Howard was the first in "Last Stall on the Left."
  • It is revealed that Bucky is afraid of dogs and mystery doors.
  • When Sorceress was opening the portal to the Land of Shadows, creatures are seen and based on the following creatures. They are Tsuchinoko which is a Japanese mythical snake, Sloane's viperfish which is a strange real life fish, Langoliers which is a mythical creature from the miniseries "The Langoliers", Oni which is a Japanese ogre, and the last one is a blowfish which is real fish.
  • Howard is revealed to be an individual who has a poor sense of direction in this episode.
  • Running Gag: Howard leading the other students the wrong way when trying to lead them out of the cave.


  • When Randy reluctantly tells Theresa he has to leave her with Howard, Theresa's hair's highlights are erroneously depicted on her bangs' right side, instead of their usual left side.



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v - e - d Season One Episodes

Last Stall on the LeftGot Stank?So U Think U Can StankMcFists of FuryGossip BoyHouse of 1,000 BoogersMonster DumpAttack of the Killer PotatoesThe Tale of the Golden Doctor's NoteDawn of the DriscollNight of the Living McFizzlesViva El Nomicon30 Seconds to MathMonster DrillSilent Punch, Deadly PunchStank'd to the FutureWave SlayersSword QuestNukid on the BlockWeinerman UpEvil Spirit WeekDer Monster KlubGrave Puncher: The Movie!Escape from Detention IslandBash Johnson: 11th Grade NinjaShoob TubeStanks Like Teen SpiritRaiders of the Lost NomiconRise of the Planet of the Robo-ApesSecret StacheHip Hopocalypse NowNinja CampMcFear FactorRandy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's KeyThe Ninja IdentityThe Ninja SupremacyEnter the NomiconSwampy SecondsMcSatchleFart-TopiaThe McHugger GamesMcFreaksSorcerer in LovePranks for NothingLucious O’ThunderpunchBring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!Weinerman Tested, Cunningham ApprovedSorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's RevengeMcOne Armed and DangerousShloomp! There It Is!Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja
