The Shark-Dermanator is one of Viceroy's Creations. Because of its destructive rage brought on by its extremely dry skin, it resides in Lake LaRusso.
It is a large Godzilla-like mutant shark monster. It has two dorsal fins, a powerful tail and is able to walk on either on its hind legs or on its four limbs. It has the basic color scheme of most shark species, dark gray with a light underbelly, but is additionally riddled with red cracks as a result of its extremely dry skin. It possesses great physical strength, being able to destroy concrete buildings with a few hits. It is also able to swim underwater.
The Shark-Dermanator is destructive and angry because of the extreme itchiness of its skin, but it becomes calmer when its skin is moisturized or is in water. It also has some form of intelligence, as it is able to remember McFist and Viceroy as the cause of its dry skin and is able to determine which building is associated with McFist. The creature doesn't care for anyone unassociated with McFist, not even the Norrisville Ninja when he first tried to fight it. However, it does devour any unlucky being who falls into the lake, such as the Kill Bot.
It was introduced in "Flume-Igation" as a creature requested by McFist for a powerful and irritable monster. Viceroy gave it dry skin to cause it constant irritation, but the creature ultimately proved too dangerous and was secretly submerged in Lake LaRusso to moisturize its skin in an attempt to keep it more relaxed.
After realizing that the lake's water level was decreasing as the result of a drought, Viceroy created a water-slide to refill the lake, thus preventing the creature from attacking; however, Randy unknowingly set the creature loose when he made a hole in the slide. After the Shark-Dermanator attacked the town, Randy managed to plug up the hole and brought the creature back to the lake, where it still remains.
The creature made a cameo in "Debbie Meddle," devouring a robot assassin sent to destroy Randy after the ice broke and it fell into the lake.
- It was designed by Aaron Alexovich, the creator of Serenity Rose.
- The iconic Godzilla roar can be heard when the Shark-Dermanator first entered the town.
- The name includes a pun on the Greek word "δÎÏÎĵÎħ" (derma="skin") and the 1984 film The Terminator.
- It was stated by Viceroy that the creature is male.