The Sand Ninjas or simply Sandjas were two Earth Creations made by The Norrisville Ninja using The Earth Attack technique.
Incantation used:[]
" Times getting tight, so give me a hand; to win this fight I need warriors of sand."
The sandjas are soldiers made entirely from sand. They have white yellowish eyes and the possess the common appearance of a ninja. Although, it hasn't been seen on screen, it is likely that, they have the same level of regeneration as The Sand Worm.
They were made from a hand full of sand scooped by The Ninja and brought them to life with the Earth Attack spell. They are obedient and highly agile; being as fast as The Ninja. They are also excellent swordsmen as they were able to slice straight through the worm with no difficulties. They can also be turned into sandclone (sand-cyclone), which Randy created a cycle of red energy Greek Keys and moving them in a cycle.
They only appeared in "Hip Hopocalypse Now", where the Sand Worm also made an appearance. Randy created them in order to defeat The Sand Worm. Randy ordered the Sandjas to turn into a bright yellow Sand-Cyclone after their previous combined attack failed due to the regenerative abilities of the worm, this time they were successful. Randy created circle of black tinted energy with glowing red outlines in his hands to transform the Sanjas into a Sand-Cyclone, until the Sand Worm was destroyed.
After the battle Randy thanked them and dismissed them after which they did a celebratory high five and returned to be just sand.