Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki

Rhinosaurus is an invention created by Willem Viceroy in McFear Factor that is designed to fart out one's worst fear.


When Viceroy released the Rhinosaurus into the school, the robot caused utter chaos amongst the students. When the Ninja came to save them, the Rhinosaurus farted out his worst fear, and Viceroy and Hannibal McFist were able to kidnap him in their Hovercraft. Unfortunately for them, the Rhinosaurus also farted out their worst fears and their whole plan to destroy the Ninja ended up backfiring, resulting in the Ninja successfully escaping. When the Rhinosaurus was destroyed after falling a considerable number of feet to the ground, every phobioid disappeared.


  • Rhinosaurus, which is rusted over, makes a minor appearance in the episode "Escape from Scrap City."
  • Howard is the only character that Rhinosaurus never revealed their worst fear of.


v - e - d Characters

Howard WeinermanRandy Cunningham
Catfish BoorayEvil Julian's SoldierThe DisciplinarianMac AntfeeMcFistMonstersQueen GabnidineEvil JulianThe SorcererThe SorceressTenguViceroy's CreationsViceroy
Bucky HensletterBackground studentsBash JohnsonBraedonBrentButtermakerDancing FishDaveDebbie KangDougFlute GirlHeidi WeinermanJacquesJulianJuggoLevander HartMorganStevensTheresa FowlerPradeepRachelRanginald BagelRudd RhymezTiny Timmy Scratch-It
Brawn BrickwallBrock OctaneBuilding InspectorCoach GreenCharlie CluckerDickieDoctor SamFather McFistGregHippie LibrarianJason MyersJerry DriscollMan-GongMarci McFistManager BryceMort WeinermanMother ViceroyMiss RingwaldMr. BannisterMrs. CunninghamMrs. DriscollMrs. DempseyMrs. WeinermanMiss WickwhackerNameless Art TeacherNameless shades ladyUncle SledgePitch KickhamPrincipal SlimovitzRandy's NeighborPJ McFlubbusterRuthSuperintendentSenora JorgeSinjin KnightfireSundownS. Ward SmithThe MessengerThe KevTerry McFistVictor Von Van
30 Seconds to Math (band)Bash & the BrosDancing FishDer Monster Klub (group)Norrisville Police DepartmentNorrisville High School BoardNorrisville High Marching BandNorrisville High Twirl TeamNorisu NineRhymez's Rap PosseWave Slayers Team
Background charactersFirst NinjaLe BéretNeil ApestrongMrs. ApestrongNinja of '05NomiRandyNorisu NineOttoPlop PlopPortal BeastGrave Puncher (character)
