Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki

Character information
Gender Female
Species Human
Hair color Grayish dark brown
Eye color Dark green
Affiliations Good (Evil when stanked)
Occupation Student at Norrisville High
NHS Marching Band Member
Residence Norrisville
Aliases Claire, Annette, Rach (by Randy)
Friends Randy Cunningham/Norrisville Ninja
Bucky Hensletter (sometimes)
Flute Girl (sometimes)
Pradeep (sometimes)
Interests Cute things, Norrisville Ninja
First Episode Got Stank?
Voiced by Laura Marano

Rachel is one of the supporting characters. She is a student at Norrisville High, and a clarinet player in the Norrisville High Marching Band.



Rachel is a short, petite girl with grayish dark brown hair and green eyes. She wears a white shirt with a pink collar and short sleeves, a pink skirt and pink shoes.


During Halloween, Rachel wears a pink bunny costume, with red dress, gloves, and heart-shaped inner ears.

Monster Form[]

When stanked by the Sorcerer, Rachel becomes a kitten monster with yellow skin, magenta hair and claws. Her skirt is also ripped.


Rachel is cheerful, merry, and friendly. She loves things that are cute and enjoys showing kindness to other people. When people need help, she graciously gives it to them. She always looks at things in a positive light, often being happy for others' successes. However, in more serious situations, she has proven to be more down-to-earth and sensible. She is also musically talented and even composes, as, for instance, when she wrote a song, "The Ninja of Norrisville," dedicated to the Norrisville Ninja, of whom she is perhaps the most fanatical fan.

Despite her kindness, Rachel is also shown to possess a competitive spirit, as demonstrated when she angrily shook her fists against Flackville High when Norrisville was losing the chess championship to them. She also struggles to express her needs whenever people takes her kindness more than she asks for until her emotions blow up, which can make her rather emotionally vulnerable.


Randy Cunningham/Norrisville Ninja[]

Analogous to her fellow Norrisville citizens, Rachel is a huge fan of the Ninja; compared to the other citizens, Rachel is more vocal about her admiration for the Ninja. She even composed a special song for him in "Ninjafan". When the Ninja started exploiting her, Rachel didn't want to complain to the hero she admires, but eventually her spirits were crushed, and thus she got stanked by the Sorcerer because of the Ninja's ungratefulness. However, after Ninja sang his version of her special song, she was forgiving enough towards him to get unstanked.

Although unaware that Randy is the current Ninja, she is still generally friendly towards him, and considers him as one of her friends. In "Let the Wonk One In", she was eager to invite him to her "Huggoween" party, and agreed with his plan on stopping Halloweenja. She also hugged him with gratitude after he thanked her.



As shown in "Got Stank?" and "Ninjafan", Rachel is portrayed as a skilled musician. In the former episode, she is indicated to be a decent clarinet player, judging by her role in the Marching Band.

Rachel writes and performs an original song about the Ninja in "Ninjafan," which causes Randy to feel appreciated and loved, indicating she has a good level of singing talent. She is also shown to be a gifted ukulele player in the same episode.

v - e - d Characters

Howard WeinermanRandy Cunningham
Catfish BoorayEvil Julian's SoldierThe DisciplinarianMac AntfeeMcFistMonstersQueen GabnidineEvil JulianThe SorcererThe SorceressTenguViceroy's CreationsViceroy
Bucky HensletterBackground studentsBash JohnsonBraedonBrentButtermakerDancing FishDaveDebbie KangDougFlute GirlHeidi WeinermanJacquesJulianJuggoLevander HartMorganStevensTheresa FowlerPradeepRachelRanginald BagelRudd RhymezTiny Timmy Scratch-It
Brawn BrickwallBrock OctaneBuilding InspectorCoach GreenCharlie CluckerDickieDoctor SamFather McFistGregHippie LibrarianJason MyersJerry DriscollMan-GongMarci McFistManager BryceMort WeinermanMother ViceroyMiss RingwaldMr. BannisterMrs. CunninghamMrs. DriscollMrs. DempseyMrs. WeinermanMiss WickwhackerNameless Art TeacherNameless shades ladyUncle SledgePitch KickhamPrincipal SlimovitzRandy's NeighborPJ McFlubbusterRuthSuperintendentSenora JorgeSinjin KnightfireSundownS. Ward SmithThe MessengerThe KevTerry McFistVictor Von Van
30 Seconds to Math (band)Bash & the BrosDancing FishDer Monster Klub (group)Norrisville Police DepartmentNorrisville High School BoardNorrisville High Marching BandNorrisville High Twirl TeamNorisu NineRhymez's Rap PosseWave Slayers Team
Background charactersFirst NinjaLe BéretNeil ApestrongMrs. ApestrongNinja of '05NomiRandyNorisu NineOttoPlop PlopPortal BeastGrave Puncher (character)
