Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki

"RC9GN Blooper Reel Featuring 'The Creep'"  is the fifth of six animated shorts made for the show depicting "bloopers."

"RC9GN Blooper Reel Featuring "The Creep""
Season 2, Episode 5
RC9GN Blooper Reel Featuring The Creep
Premiered: July 17, 2015
Written by:
  Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas
Directed by:
  Shaun Cashman


This blooper shows Randy questioning the Creep's importance in the show, while also revealing that Howard doesn't get paid.


  • It's revealed that the Creep enjoys mayonnaise to a gross degree.
  • It's revealed that Howard's attitudes between what he thinks disgusting in the show itself and what in the bloopers varies considerably.
  • It's also confirmed that Howard isn't paid and didn't realize that any of the other "actors" were.


v - e - d Outtakes

Blooper Reel!Never Blame a Fart on WhoopeeTrouble Hitting The MarkFumble FumbleRC9GN Blooper Reel Featuring "The Creep"The Plug Always Wins
