Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
"Pranks for Nothing"
Season 1, Episode 44
Tumblr mw4bwfgh2A1sd7pzbo1 500
Prod. Code: 117b
Premiered: November 18, 2013
Written by:
  Jed Elinoff & Scott Thomas
Tom Martin & Hugh Webber
David Shayne & Ryan Harris
Storyboard by:
  Peter Ferk & Larry Houston
Directed by:
  Chuckles Austen
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"Pranks for Nothing" is the forty-fourth episode of the first season of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It premiered on November 18, 2013.


Bash Johnson pranks the whole school on his annual "Pranks Day." Randy and Howard have enough of it, so Randy decides to prank Bash back. However, Randy's prank backfires and Bash ends up bringing in a deadly weapon made by Willem Viceroy to get even.


Howard is telling a story to Randy as they step of the classroom, when the boys both come across Bash. Bash claims he wants to shake hands with Randy, who only gets electrocuted and becomes Bash's first prank victim. Turns out, Bash has received some new tech from McFist Industries, and he decides that it's the best timing for his Prank-fest.

Bash's pranks continues to torment his other victims, such as Bucky, Julian, and Theresa. Randy and Howard try to avoid Bash's prank, but they get pranked again with Sticky Sparkle. Having enough, Randy and Howard plan to prank Bash back. The NinjaNomicon calls Randy out by using the First Ninja as an example to give out the lesson:

"He who crosses the line must prepare for the fall that follows."

However, Randy chooses to interpret the lesson as Bash having crossed the line, and that he is justified to enact revenge. So later at the cafeteria Randy sets a trap to prank Bash, who arrives holding his lunch, which is when Howard tells everybody to act natural. Bash then trips on rocks and is poured with gravy. Howard then knocks over some trays like dominoes, causing the trays to fall on Bash. When Bash sits up, tons of beans fall onto him, causing everybody to laugh at him. In other words, Randy's plan has worked, and everybody cheers for them. Morgan even shows some positive emotions for once, by inviting the two boys to her sophomore-exclusive party.

Meanwhile at the McFist Industries, Viceroy is using a machine to create monsters, when McFist demands Viceroy to give his stepson a prank device, which is an untested molecular transmogrification device. Viceroy is against this idea, but McFist wants to please Marci and scolds Viceroy, who finally submits.

Outside of the school, a Robo-Ape is holding the transmogrification device to Bash, who calls it Prankzooka. After using it to prank the Robo-Ape, he uses Prank-Zooka to prank the other students of Norrisville High as his revenge, such as turning Flute Girl's flute into a snake. Randy and Howard try hiding in one of the washrooms, only for Bash to discover that they were the ones who pranked him. The beam from the Prankzooka, after being evaded by Randy, hits the mirror before hitting the Prankzooka itself, turning to a robot that turns the toilet Howard uses into a carnivorous plant.

After Ninja saves Howard, Ninja realizes the rest of the school is still endangered by the Prankzooka. He tries to retaliate, but even his sword and other weapons are turned into prank-related objects. Ninja then confronts Bash, who tells him that his revenge has provoked him. This is when Ninja realizes that "crossing the line" means "enacting unnecessary revenge", and knows he has to right his wrongs.

After luring the Prankzooka by himself, Ninja throws the sword-turened-banana at the robot, causing the robot to slip, falls off the roof, and explodes. The student gather around at the now the destroyed robot, which shuts down seconds later. This turns everything it touched back to normal. The Ninja lands in front of the robot, watching as the banana turns back into his sword. He puts his sword away and faces the crowd, telling them that there should be no more pranks today at school. However, as the last laugh, Ninja wants to have a hand shake with Bash, who falls for the Ninja's Ninja Electro-Ball trick. Ninja laughs before retreating with a smoke bomb.

Meanwhile at Viceroy's lab, McFist yells to Viceroy for his device that has caused his step-son to be suspended for a week from school, and that Viceroy is forced to watch over Bash. Bash then toys around with the monster-making machine, leading to Viceroy being attacked by the monsters he created.

Back at the school, the students are mad at Randy and Howard for almost endangering their lives because of their revenge. While they clean up the mess, the boys are still proud that they earned sophomore respect, despite still being dumped by debris and jelly. The boys are then surprised by the still helicoptered Theresa, who is still holding a baton that was tampered by Bash earlier, as the ending reveals that she has been helicoptered for the majority of the episode.


Main characters[]

Secondary characters[]

Background characters[]


  • This title is a pun of the phrase "Thanks for nothing."
  • This episode and "Sorcerer in Love" were supposed to air before "McFear Factor" and "Randy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's Key," but instead aired a couple months later.
    • Like the other three, it too was featured on Canadian channel Disney XD on Demand before it aired in the US.
  • First Ninja makes another non-speaking appearance via the Nomicon.
  • The temple appears in the background when Randy is in the NinjaNomicon.
  • When the Prankzooka falls off the school, a willhelm scream can be heard.
  • Running Gag: Bash pranking everyone in school.


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v - e - d Season One Episodes

Last Stall on the LeftGot Stank?So U Think U Can StankMcFists of FuryGossip BoyHouse of 1,000 BoogersMonster DumpAttack of the Killer PotatoesThe Tale of the Golden Doctor's NoteDawn of the DriscollNight of the Living McFizzlesViva El Nomicon30 Seconds to MathMonster DrillSilent Punch, Deadly PunchStank'd to the FutureWave SlayersSword QuestNukid on the BlockWeinerman UpEvil Spirit WeekDer Monster KlubGrave Puncher: The Movie!Escape from Detention IslandBash Johnson: 11th Grade NinjaShoob TubeStanks Like Teen SpiritRaiders of the Lost NomiconRise of the Planet of the Robo-ApesSecret StacheHip Hopocalypse NowNinja CampMcFear FactorRandy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's KeyThe Ninja IdentityThe Ninja SupremacyEnter the NomiconSwampy SecondsMcSatchleFart-TopiaThe McHugger GamesMcFreaksSorcerer in LovePranks for NothingLucious O’ThunderpunchBring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!Weinerman Tested, Cunningham ApprovedSorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's RevengeMcOne Armed and DangerousShloomp! There It Is!Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja
