Randy using the pukin' poke on Howard.
The Ninja Pukin' Poke is a skill of The Norrisville Ninja.
This skill involves a quick series of three poking strikes and a tickle aimed at an individual's abdominal area. Though the strikes look like they have different precise finger formations and locations as to where to poke the abdomen, this action can be done either by hand or the Ninja scarf. Upon a successful Ninja Pukin' Poke, the victim will proceed to regurgitate, though the quantity of contents changes depending on the situation, as the same poke can force only a small object to be regurgitated, in the case of the first McSquiddles, as well as clean the stomach thoroughly, in the case of the contaminated McFizzles.
Randy used this for the first time on Howard in "Night of the Living McFizzles" to force-vomit the contaminated McFizzles and revert Howard back to normal. Eventually, this caused a chain-reaction where the surrounding mutated undead follows suit in cascading, ending the McFizzles-caused apocalypse.
Randy used this once again on Howard in "McOne Armed and Dangerous" to make him throw up an old McSquiddles which was what McFist held most dear.
Randy used this for the last time on himself to sell the lie to his mother of him being unwell enough to attend school in "Randy Cunningham's Day Off".
Randy had attempted to use this technique on the stanked Booray in "Welcome Back Catfish", but he kept deflecting the scarf forcing Randy to use an alternative method.
- "Night of the Living McFizzles"
- "McOne Armed and Dangerous"
- "Randy Cunningham's Day Off"
- "Welcome Back Catfish" (attempted)