Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Mrs. Cunningham
The picture of Randy's mom from a video for rap contest between Phineas and Ferb and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja for Disney XD ZA.
Character information
Gender Female
Species Human
Hair color Unknown (Black in rap contest video)
Eye color Unknown (Blue in rap contest video)
Spouses Mr. Cunningham (husband, unseen)
Children Randy Cunningham (son)

Mrs. Cunningham is Randy's mother, but she has only been mentioned in a few episodes.


  • Randy had to shop for two hours with her, in order to get McFistios, according to the description in "McFists of Fury".
  • When trying to call Howard in "Weinerman Up", Randy uses the voice command on his cellphone, which only results in calling his mom.
  • Howard gives Randy half of the chess trophy in "Stanks Like Teen Spirit", and as they walk away, Randy points out that his parents would only be half as proud.
  • In "Swampy Seconds", Randy says that his mom thought the hours he played Swamp Puncher would add up to nothing as he drives a fan-boat.
  • When Randy pretends to be sick in "Randy Cunningham's Day Off", he calls for his mother, complaining about how bad he feels and not wanting to go to school. He later mentions that she is going to ground him for a week for pretending to be sick.
  • He mentions her, and another parent (the case of his unseen father) in the episodes "Dawn of the Driscoll", "Stanks Like Teen Spirit" and "Ball's Well That Friends Well". Howard also mentions his mom along with another in "McFreaks" implying that she is married to Randy's other parent (presumably his father).


  • Probably as a joke, a video for rap contest between Phineas and Ferb and Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja for Disney XD ZA, a picture of Randy's mom appears, pretty much being modified image of Randy. She appears to have a black hair with similar bangs to Randy's, dark blue eyes like Randy's, dark pink lipstick, golden hoop earrings, bright purple top with white cleavage, and black hoodie.
  • Like Viceroy's mother, Randy's mother has been mentioned, but besides saying he had parents once and Howard mentioning how both their parents still don't know about an incident that led to Randy chipping a tooth, Randy's father has never been mentioned individually.
  • It is implied in "When Howie Met Randy" that Mrs. Cunningham and her spouse (Randy's father) have known Mort Weinerman and Mrs. Weinerman for a long time, judging how they let their then-3-year-old sons have a playdate in the Weinerman Household's bathtub.

v - e - d Characters

Howard WeinermanRandy Cunningham
Catfish BoorayEvil Julian's SoldierThe DisciplinarianMac AntfeeMcFistMonstersQueen GabnidineEvil JulianThe SorcererThe SorceressTenguViceroy's CreationsViceroy
Bucky HensletterBackground studentsBash JohnsonBraedonBrentButtermakerDancing FishDaveDebbie KangDougFlute GirlHeidi WeinermanJacquesJulianJuggoLevander HartMorganStevensTheresa FowlerPradeepRachelRanginald BagelRudd RhymezTiny Timmy Scratch-It
Brawn BrickwallBrock OctaneBuilding InspectorCoach GreenCharlie CluckerDickieDoctor SamFather McFistGregHippie LibrarianJason MyersJerry DriscollMan-GongMarci McFistManager BryceMort WeinermanMother ViceroyMiss RingwaldMr. BannisterMrs. CunninghamMrs. DriscollMrs. DempseyMrs. WeinermanMiss WickwhackerNameless Art TeacherNameless shades ladyUncle SledgePitch KickhamPrincipal SlimovitzRandy's NeighborPJ McFlubbusterRuthSuperintendentSenora JorgeSinjin KnightfireSundownS. Ward SmithThe MessengerThe KevTerry McFistVictor Von Van
30 Seconds to Math (band)Bash & the BrosDancing FishDer Monster Klub (group)Norrisville Police DepartmentNorrisville High School BoardNorrisville High Marching BandNorrisville High Twirl TeamNorisu NineRhymez's Rap PosseWave Slayers Team
Background charactersFirst NinjaLe BéretNeil ApestrongMrs. ApestrongNinja of '05NomiRandyNorisu NineOttoPlop PlopPortal BeastGrave Puncher (character)
