Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
"Let Them Eat Cake Fries"
Season 2, Episode 42
Let Them Eat Cake Fries 45
Prod. Code: 221b
Premiered: June 8, 2015
Written by:
  Jed Elinoff & Scott Thomas
Storyboard by:
  Hillary Bradfield, Claudia Keene, Jamie Vickers, & Sean Petrilak
Directed by:
  Sean Petrilak & Russell Calabrese
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"Let Them Eat Cake Fries" is the forty-second episode of the second season (and ninety-fourth episode overall) of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja.[1] It premiered on June 8, 2015.[2]


A legendary defender of school justice rises from the history books when Slimovitz removes cake fries from the Norrisville High menu.[3]


Debbie gives a presentation about the legendary folk hero Le Béret of the Feather Rebellion of 1793, winning her applause from her classmates. Both Randy and Howard find this hero awesome, and as they and their peers learn about cake fries leaving the menu, Randy decides to start an uprising against the banning of cake fries, despite Principal Slimovitz's instruction on reading the pamphlets.

Howard then chides Randy for possibly having to Ninja-out to save cake fries if they are fighting against pamphlets, so Randy tries reminding him what happened the previous time he attempted changing the snack policy, which Howard doesn't bother remembering. Just as Randy is shloomped into the Nomicon, Howard notices Debbie bringing up about Le Béret again, which prompts him to have an idea. As for Randy, he is called by the Nomicon, which gives him the lesson;

"He who attacks without cause has no cause to attack"

Randy, however misinterprets the lesson, believing that the cause of defying Slimovitz is justified as he attacked the students first for banning cake fries. Upon realizing everyone else has left the hallways, Randy follows Sundown to outside of the school, where much to his shock, the clock-tower has been replaced by a gigantic slab of cake fry. After almost spilling the beans about his identity as the Ninja to Bucky, Randy distracts Bucky with Debbie having found a long feather from Le Béret and threatening Slimovitz on him having sweet salty justice.

The Le Béret rebellion soon spirals even more out of control, when the text in all of the French textbooks are replaced by photos of Le Béret and cake fries, and later Slimovitz triggers a trap that not only demonstrates a cake fries curated message, but also almost drowns him in cake batter. Traumatized by the near-death experience, Slimovitz immediately dials Gene Levine to dispose of all the remaining cake fries batter with a giant blimp. Believing that Debbie is going to get any opposors hurt, Randy transforms into the Ninja to stop her, only to find out she only supports Le Béret's ideologies. Then, the actual Le Béret broadcasts himself, and Ninja finally realizes Le Béret is going to attack the blimp, and it turns out Le Béret has already detained Gene by the time Ninja rushes outside.

As Ninja climbs onto the blimp, Le Béret tells Ninja that he is going to dump all of the batter into the school, and outwits Ninja, who accidentally lets him enter the blimp and sets off the timer. Then to Ninja's surprise, Le Béret is Howard the entire time. Howard then explains that all the instances he went to the washroom, except for one time, was to hatch schemes as Le Béret himself by using his dad's ID badge to get McFist Industries gadgets for himself. Ninja then takes a look at the pamphlet, and realizes Slimovitz isn't getting rid of cake fries, but instead they are just being discontinued and being replaced by pudding tots.

To amend his mistake for not reading the pamphlet and prompting Howard and the other students to cause such a perilous rebellion, Ninja, along with Howard, returns to the school to save the students in the library, as the deluges of cake batter swim in the school. Debbie is surprised that Howard is Le Béret, although she also appreciates his gesture. Thanks to Howard inadvertently telling Ninja to bake the cake batter, everyone is saved after one Tengu Fireball bakes the wall of cake batter. The students then proceed eating the burnt batter per Howard's permission, despite Ninja's protest.

In the end, as the students are cleaning up the mess of fried cake batter, Heidi reports that pudding tots are dropping on Monday, only for Slimovitz to protest about having more pudding tots and has finally lost his sanity, despite everyone had finally read the pamphlets this time. Howard still thinks he should be treated like a hero for bringing pudding tots early, but he then agrees with Randy on slipping away upon realizing Debbie and the other students are still in a crazed state about his "heroic" deeds as Le Béret.


Main characters[]

Secondary characters[]

Background characters[]

Series Continuity[]

  • Randy brings up the events of " All the Juice That's Fish to Swim", in this episode, when he reminded Howard of what happened when the Ninja tried to change the snack policy.
    • Howard actually remembers the events of "All the Juice That's Fish to Swim" when he retorts Ninja, who is trying to stop him from dumping batter into the school, despite seemingly not remembering himself as the Soupsicles-induced monster earlier in this episode.
  • Mort Weinerman, despite not appearing in-person in this episode, is mentioned to still be an employee of McFist Industries since "Mort-al Combat" and "Silent Punch, Deadly Punch".


  • The title is a reference to the infamous line inaccurately attributed to Marie Antoinette, "Let them eat cake!" (« Qu'ils mangent de la brioche ! » )
  • In the French classroom, a poster of the "Canadian Duality Flag", also sometimes known as, "Canadian Unity Flag" can been seen on the wall.
  • The glider and mask Howard used are similar to the Green Goblin's costume from "Spider-Man."
  • "Viva Les Cake Frites" is supposed to mean "Long Live Cake Fries!" and to echo a number of historic French slogans such as « Vive la France ! » ("Long live France!") or « Vive le Roi ! » ("Long live the king!"); however, the word "Viva" is Spanish, not French (though the two words are pronounced very similarly), and is a singular verb where a plural would be needed. The proper French would be something more like « Vivent les gâteaux-frits ! »
  • Footage from "All the Juice That's Fish to Swim", which is when Howard had mutated into a Soupsicles-addicted monster, is used this episode.
  • It's revealed that Gene Levine has a part-time job as a "Disco Machine."
  • This is the only time that McFist and Viceroy appeared as non-speaking cameos.
  • Randy almost revealed to Bucky that there is more than one Ninja in this episode, before he quickly shifted the gear to the conversation being about Debbie.
  • Principal Slimovitz is revealed to be a bad swimmer in this episode.
  • Running Gag: Students not reading Slimovitz's pamphlets, which gradually leads Slimovitz to losing his sanity.
  • It was stated in a Tumblr post that a writer was actually shocked by the plot point about Howard, as they didn't suspect Howard to be Le Béret.
    • Howard was foreshadowed to be Le Béret when he didn't laugh at the word "duty" as usual, and how he was missing in scenes like after the clock-tower was replaced by the giant cake fry.


  • Similar to "Everybody Ninj-along", Theresa's uniform's sleeves are colored in orange instead of the usual blue when she is clapping for Debbie with her classmates.


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v - e - d Season Two Episodes

Flume-IgationOn the PoolfrontWelcome Back CatfishAll the Juice That's Fish to SwimJulian's Birthday SurpriseTrue BromanceUnstank My HartWhoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2M-M-M-my BolognaEverybody Ninj-alongFudge FactoryBest BudsOtto Know BetterBrolateral DamageLet the Wonk One InThe Curse of MudfartShoot First, Ask Questions LaserNinjceptionHappy Hanukkah, Howard WeinermanSnow-Klahoma!Randy Cunningham's Day OffBro-ing Down the HouseLiving in ShooblivionMcNinja - Brought to You by McFistMastermind of DisastermindThe Brawn Also RisesDebbie MeddleAplopalypse NowRorg: A Hero of a PastMort-al CombatWonkin' for the WeekendNinjafanWhen Howie Met RandyBro Money Bro ProblemsThe Three Mascot-teersEscape from Scrap CityThe Space Cow-BrosThe Fresh Principal of Norrisville HighThe Prophecy of Hat SwordFake Fight For Your Right to PartyMcCluckerbustersLet Them Eat Cake FriesClub Ninja-diseTo Smell and BackBig Trouble in Little NorrisvilleWinner Takes BallBall's Well That Friends Well
