Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki

Heidi Weinerman
Character information
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 15-16
Hair color Orange
Eye color Cerulean Blue
Affiliations Neutral Good
Occupation Gossiper/Student at Norrisville High
Residence Norrisville
Aliases Weiner-Babe (by NomiRandy)
H-Dubs (by Howard and herself)
Mademoiselle Heidi (by Jacques)
Hizzle-Dizzle, H-Grubs, Heidle-Wild (by herself)
Gossip Hole, Sis-tah, Sis (by Howard)
Heesy-Deesy (by herself)
Friends Debbie Kang
Theresa Fowler (sometimes)
Interests Gossip Report
Fears Ending up like her Mom
Parents Mrs. Weinerman
Mort Weinerman
Grandparents Nana
Siblings Howard Weinerman (younger brother)
First Episode "So U Think U Can Stank"
Voiced by Cassie Scerbo

What the juice, Howard?! Kind of doing a live gossip report here.

–Heidi, "Gossip Boy"

Heidi Weinerman is Howard's older sister and the host of Norrisville High’s Heidi@School and Gossip Report, where she updates everyone on what's happening at school, and also Norrisville's main newscaster on the town's events and activities. She is also a junior/11th grader at Norrisville High.



Heidi is tall and slender, having orange hair with a red hairclip on her bangs, deep blue eyes, and a beauty mark on her left cheek. She wears a cream-colored shirt, the sleeves ending at her elbows, with red on the collar, sleeves, and bottom. She also wears a red bracelet on her right arm, a dark brown skirt, long white socks, and red dress shoes.


When being stanked by The Sorceress, she retains her hair, hairclip and dress, but becomes a fierce blue demon dog with glaring yellow eyes, crooked tail, dark blue nose, and sharp teeth. Her shirt's sleeves are also ripped. She also doesn't have her beauty mark in this form.


Her band outfit consists of a black crop-top with an upside-down rabbit skull logo, a hot pink sleeveless vest, brown armbands, black belt, red jeans with different colored patches and tears with a silver chain attached, and dark red and white accented sneakers.


She wears a yellow and white accented crop-top attached with a teal ribbon, sea foam green jeans, and brown sandals and armband.


Her hip-hop outfit consists of a red cap, a pendant with a cyan jewel, royal purple crop-top, yellow long-sleeved jacket with royal purple accents, red trousers with a rolled up trunk and yellow accent, and a pair of dark purple and white accented sneakers.

ScarfCenter Host[]

As one of the hosts for ScarfCenter, she wears a blue jacket with long sleeves, end the sleeves with two red lines and a red scarf.


Heidi is on the cutting edge of everything and anything. She is self-absorbed, egotistical, and apparently likes attention and publicity because she spends most of her time on her show, Gossip Report, instead of caring for the well-being of others. She's very determined to maintain her status as a queen bee and someone that can be respected. In "Grave Puncher: The Movie!" she did not let Howard and Randy's escape to the theater from practicing for her drivers test [1]. She has won the Battle of the Bands for the last six times, which was an achievement that she is immensely proud of, and only failed to win the most recent one because Howard damaged her guitar, making her angry at him [2].

However, she does show genuine appreciation and gratitude to those who do something kind for her, like in the same episode, she was grateful to whoever returned her guitar. She also thanked Randy when he told the truth about sneaking out to watch a movie to her parents and took the blame, although still not remembering his name [3]. Regardless, these moments are very few and far in between, and she mostly only gets along with those who give her personal benefits.


Howard Weinerman[]


Heidi usually does not get along well with her younger brother, Howard, whom she shares an unhealthy sibling rivalry with. She was annoyed when he came to ask her for lunch money "Gossip Boy", and threatened to embarrass him if he and Randy would ruin the Norrisville High Talent Show "So U Think U Can Stank". At first she believed that Howard knew the Ninja's identity, but got angry at him when he supposedly didn't, saying she knew he hadn't. She is rude and impolite to her brother and likes to challenge and insult him. Both of them enjoy popularity but she is far better at getting and keeping it. She doesn't seem to care about Randy when she's around him and Howard, showing how little she cares about her brother and anything involving him. In fact, she is outwardly rude towards him by calling him via insulting nicknames.

However, there are a few rare instances where Heidi apparently got along with Howard as long as she can benefit from him, such as when they were the hosts for Scarf Center.

Randy Cunningham[]

Grave Puncher The Movie! - Heidi 04

Although he says he's known Heidi his whole life, she seems to barely know him and always forgets his name, calling him "Andy", "Dandy", "Landy", "Mandy", "Sandy", or "Rudy". She doesn't seem to care about him in the least whether he is with or without Howard. She is willing to make use of him, though if it's to her benefit, such as when she uses him as a backup judge when Bash betrays her [4]. Randy explains that his and Howard's escape isn't Heidi's fault, impressing Heidi so much that she thanks him--although, much to Randy's chagrin, she still forgets his name [5]. She also gives him credit, albeit messing his name up again, for apologizing to Theresa and giving her flowers in "Shloomp! There It Is!". However, she is disturbed when Randy--who at the time was NomiRandy--flirts with her.

When Randy is the Ninja, Heidi is very fond of him. She sings a song about him for the Battle of the Bands, and she usually has nothing bad to say about him, unlike his other identity.

Theresa Fowler[]

While Heidi doesn't interact much with Theresa before "Shloomp! There It Is!", she is affected when NomiRandy ignores Theresa to flirt with her. When Theresa is stanked, Heidi becomes her target, much to Heidi's horror. She even tells Theresa that she barely knows "Andy," but it only angers Theresa because she said Randy's name wrong. Captured by Thersa, Heidi pleads to her to not hurt her because they're total biffers, although once the Ninja shows up, Heidi tells him to waste her. Since then, Heidi and Theresa can be seen chatting in the backgrounds of "Welcome Back Catfish" and "M-M-M-my Bologna", suggesting that they might be friends.

However, with how Heidi told the Ninja to waste stanked Theresa and also taking her own inflated ego into account, she can be considered as a rather bad friend to Theresa.

Debbie Kang[]

Heidi and Debbie are generally friends, owing to their mutual nosiness. However, Heidi gets mad at her for apparently falsely reporting about the Ninja's identity in "Debbie Meddle", and scolds Debbie for not researching and that she has to make sure she knows what she's reporting when giving information next time.


v - e - d Characters

Howard WeinermanRandy Cunningham
Catfish BoorayEvil Julian's SoldierThe DisciplinarianMac AntfeeMcFistMonstersQueen GabnidineEvil JulianThe SorcererThe SorceressTenguViceroy's CreationsViceroy
Bucky HensletterBackground studentsBash JohnsonBraedonBrentButtermakerDancing FishDaveDebbie KangDougFlute GirlHeidi WeinermanJacquesJulianJuggoLevander HartMorganStevensTheresa FowlerPradeepRachelRanginald BagelRudd RhymezTiny Timmy Scratch-It
Brawn BrickwallBrock OctaneBuilding InspectorCoach GreenCharlie CluckerDickieDoctor SamFather McFistGregHippie LibrarianJason MyersJerry DriscollMan-GongMarci McFistManager BryceMort WeinermanMother ViceroyMiss RingwaldMr. BannisterMrs. CunninghamMrs. DriscollMrs. DempseyMrs. WeinermanMiss WickwhackerNameless Art TeacherNameless shades ladyUncle SledgePitch KickhamPrincipal SlimovitzRandy's NeighborPJ McFlubbusterRuthSuperintendentSenora JorgeSinjin KnightfireSundownS. Ward SmithThe MessengerThe KevTerry McFistVictor Von Van
30 Seconds to Math (band)Bash & the BrosDancing FishDer Monster Klub (group)Norrisville Police DepartmentNorrisville High School BoardNorrisville High Marching BandNorrisville High Twirl TeamNorisu NineRhymez's Rap PosseWave Slayers Team
Background charactersFirst NinjaLe BéretNeil ApestrongMrs. ApestrongNinja of '05NomiRandyNorisu NineOttoPlop PlopPortal BeastGrave Puncher (character)
