Flackville High is the high school located in Flackville and is Norrisville High's rival school. Neither the town nor the school have made an appearance, but students of the school had visited to competed against Norrisville high in two inter-school competitions; a water ski race in Wave Slayers, and a chess tournament in Stanks Like Teen Spirit. The students seem to wear school uniforms, and can been seen in the background of a few episodes.
- Norrisville High has beaten Flackville at the chess tournament for 12 years in a row, but it nearly stopped at 11 because of the chess-bot Steve Riley, which caused a major stank outbreak that was stopped by Howard Weinerman, resulting in another win for Norrisville High.
- According to the model sheet for the known Flackville High students, there is apparently a real Steve Riley, who was likely behind the inspiration of the chess-bot.
- In "Evil Spirit Week", "Der Monster Klub" and "Hip Hopocalypse Now", it is implied that sometimes some of the Flackville High students would occasionally visit Norrisville High, despite both schools' strong rivalry.