Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
"Escape from Scrap City"
Season 2, Episode 36
Screen shot 2015-05-05 at 9.33.29 AM
Prod. Code: 218b
Premiered: May 11, 2015
Written by:
  Jim Martin
Storyboard by:
  Russ Edmonds & Haylee Herrick
Directed by:
  Sean Petrilak
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"Escape from Scrap City" is the thirty-sixth episode of the second season (and eighty-eighth overall) of Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja. It premiered on May 11, 2015.


Ninja and McFist crash land in the most dangerous place in Norrisville, and they are forced to work side by side if they want any hope of escaping the ruthless bots of Scrap City![1]


As McFist has captured Randy on the hovercraft, both start fighting each other, but they are interrupted by Howard, who calls randy about the McFist Watch Timetalk Launch. Randy starts fighting the Robo-Apes, but one of the Robo-Apes has a blaster with a warning label. McFist tells the Robo-ape to use the blaster, which destroys the ship and causes the said Robo-Ape to get blown away. Due to both McFist and Randy fighting against each other and not willing to pilot the ship, the ship ends up losing control.

Then the ship crashes into the junkyard known as Scrap City, where destroyed Robots were taken away and imprisoned in order to protect the city with strong walls, and according to Viceroy, no other robot has escaped nor any human has Entered. Unfortunately, due to McFist being stranded in Scrap City, the product launch has to be delayed. Howard soon figures out that Randy is also stranded in the City as well.

In Scrap City, Randy gets lost by seeing the same street sign 15 times. Nomicon alerts randy about what is happening in hopes of warning Randy to focus on what's more important, but Randy says that McFist is a great danger to him, and he decides it's better for him to escape the junkyard by himself to be victorious. After talking to the Nomicon, a small robot known as Q.T Bot greets Randy and takes him somewhere, which Randy is gullible enough to believe. Meanwhile, Mort also goes to the product launch as well but learns from Howard about the delay, so both Weinerman father and son work together to save both Randy and McFist.

Back at Scrap City, QT brings Randy to the gates. However, QT becomes sad after Randy is about to leave by pulling the lever to open the gates, leading to Randy tearing up. However, it turns out the gate is not an exit, but towards the Colosseum with innumerable robots, as well as McFist and the Punkbot Leader who seems to be working with McFist. As Randy tells McFist that not all of the Robots work for him, QT, whose real name is Dale, turns out that he works for the Punkbot by luring him towards the Colosseum. McFist then also gets double-crossed by the Punkbot Leader as well, who delcares both Randy and McFist are guilty for crimes against Robomanity.

Ninja asks what he did, McFist asks him if he's joking and tells him that he destroyed half of the robots, Ninja tells him that it was because McFist sent them to destroy him and McFist tells Ninja that if he had let them robots destroyed him McFist would not have ruled them out, he tells Ninja that it is also his fault and touches him on the chest, Ninja gets upset and hits McFist on the hand and they start hitting each other without any of them stopping, then McFist uses his laser finger and shoots at Ninja but he block the laser with his sword, McFist tells him not to block his laser to which Ninja tells him not to fire his laser, then McFist hits him in the scarf and starts boasting, Ninja decides to finish it once and for all, he cuts off McFist's laser finger, kicks him and is about to finish him off, but then Ninja remembers what the Nomicon said and Randy finally realizes McFist isn't the great danger, instead being the robots. Both sides are done fighting to the death, until the Punkbot Leader unleashes a Monstrocerous Bot, which Randy manages to destroy by shoving the saw blade into its mouth, and uses the other blade to destroy the gate. As they escape, the robots as well as the Punkbot Leader chase them, but Randy manages to electrocute the other robots except for the Punkbot leader. Howard and Mort show up to save McFist and Randy, using Mort's van with one of the Robot Pterodactyl. The Punkbot leader keeps chasing and almost seize them, but McFist closes the van's door and the Leader falls back to Scrap City, landing spectacularly onto Dale.

As a reward for saving McFist from Scrap City, Howard and Randy are rewarded with McFist Watch Timetalks. The Creep congratulates them and it is revealed that Dale manages to survive. But as usual Randy and McFist starts arguing again, while Howard is already happy about having the watch.


Main characters[]

Secondary characters[]

Background characters[]

Series Continuity[]


  • This is the first time where Randy wears his Ninja Suit throughout the whole episode.
  • The robot that picks up Mort's car references the previous episode "Mort-al Combat."
  • This is the second episode since "Escape from Detention Island" to have referenced the same film from a previous episode in its title.
  • The robots all shout "FINISH HIM!", which is a well-known phrase from the Mortal Kombat series.
  • The ending of the episode in the robot-filled arena is a reference to the throne room scene in Star Wars.
  • This marks the eleventh time Randy has cried.
  • Viceroy's deep voice is his voice actor, Kevin Michael Richardson's vocal ranges.
  • This is one of very few times McFist appears without Viceroy accompanying him, as he spends most of this episode trapped in Scrap City, and Viceroy is in Norrisville telling the citizens about McFist's predicament.


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v - e - d Season Two Episodes

Flume-IgationOn the PoolfrontWelcome Back CatfishAll the Juice That's Fish to SwimJulian's Birthday SurpriseTrue BromanceUnstank My HartWhoopee 2: The Wrath of Whoopee 2M-M-M-my BolognaEverybody Ninj-alongFudge FactoryBest BudsOtto Know BetterBrolateral DamageLet the Wonk One InThe Curse of MudfartShoot First, Ask Questions LaserNinjceptionHappy Hanukkah, Howard WeinermanSnow-Klahoma!Randy Cunningham's Day OffBro-ing Down the HouseLiving in ShooblivionMcNinja - Brought to You by McFistMastermind of DisastermindThe Brawn Also RisesDebbie MeddleAplopalypse NowRorg: A Hero of a PastMort-al CombatWonkin' for the WeekendNinjafanWhen Howie Met RandyBro Money Bro ProblemsThe Three Mascot-teersEscape from Scrap CityThe Space Cow-BrosThe Fresh Principal of Norrisville HighThe Prophecy of Hat SwordFake Fight For Your Right to PartyMcCluckerbustersLet Them Eat Cake FriesClub Ninja-diseTo Smell and BackBig Trouble in Little NorrisvilleWinner Takes BallBall's Well That Friends Well
