Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
"Escape from Detention Island"
Season Season 1, Episode 24
Tumblr moyyo8DmXN1r70ykmo1 500
Prod. Code: 113a
Premiered: June 29, 2013
Written by:
  Kevin Pederson
Jed Elinoff & Scott Thomas
Storyboard by:
  Scott Bern & Fred Cline
Mike Milo
Directed by:
  Mike Milo
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"Escape from Detention Island" is the twenty-fourth episode of the first season of Randy Cunningham: Ninth Grade Ninja. It premiered on June 29, 2013.


When Howard and other students get sent to the dreaded Detention Island, the Ninja must figure out how to free them.


Howard Weinerman is granted a week's detention by Principal Slimovitz for creating a huge cheese mess in the cafeteria, to which Howard refuses to take responsibility for his actions, and is planning to come up with an excuse to escape from this fate before Randy's intervention. Unfortunately, Randy's explanation to help Howard get out of trouble ends up with Howard being sent to Detention Island, much to their dismay.

Howard arrives to the school grounds in preparation for takeoff, which Randy secretly joined in as well since he is worried for Howard. Randy consults the Nomicon for a solution to get out of this problem, to which the Nomicon advices him with the lesson;

"Let the warrior who holds the weapon fight the battle."

However, Randy misinterprets this message and concludes that the Ninja should be the one to help Howard since he holds the weapon.

When Howard arrives to the destination, he finds that Bucky Hensletter, Bash Johnson, and Morgan have also been sent to the island. Originally, The Disciplinarian was going to give them normal punishments based from their violations and mistakes, and strongly emphasizing that he despises cheaters. But upon finding out the Ninja followed them there ostensibly to "help" them, he figures they were a bunch of cheaters and sets the whole island up to be a death trap, making the challenges next to impossible.

Despite the four students, which includes his own best friend, being mad at him for making things harder for them, Ninja still believes it is his responsibility to help them. Unfortunately, his attempts, ranging from interrupting Bucky's challenge on geography, to disrupting Morgan's dance challenge, almost get The Disciplinarian to kill them all. This is enough to fed up the participants, who scold him for making matters difficult for them.

After the Ninja intervenes in every challenge and nearly kills his classmates, he finally understands the lesson the Nomicon was trying to teach him. Therefore, he learns to let the four students complete the challenge of catapulting Bucky on their own.

The Ninja and the students almost manage to reach the airship and escape, but then The Disciplinarian appears who declares that the "cheaters" do not leave the island and hits the Ninja, revealing that he is a robot, The Disciplinarian grabs Howard but the Ninja takes his sword and cuts off his arm, the students flee and the Ninja proceeds to punish The Disciplinarian who fights with his tie which transforms into a sword, the fight begins and the mountain erupts, The Disciplinarian immobilizes the Ninja but then the Ninja sees a river of lava next to him and throws a ball of lava into The Disciplinarian's mouth, causing him to choke and let him go, The Disciplinarian falls to the ground while vomiting fire and the Ninja tells him that detention is over and gives him the final blow, destroying him.

Everyone returns to Norrisville High but Principal Slimovitz is ready to give them even more punishment for destroying Detention Island, but Howard explains what happened for 5 minutes, which seems to appease Slimovitz enough to let them off the hook for no detention and punishment for them. The episode ends with Sundown asking Randy and Howard to look after his pudding, and both smirking for another prank, with a pudding splattered onto the screen.


Main characters[]

Secondary characters[]

Background characters[]

Series Continuity[]

  • Bucky's love of rocks and silt is brought up again since "Monster Dump".


  • The title may be a reference to the 1981 film Escape from New York, in which Manhattan Island has been converted into a prison colony, or, more distantly, to the 1973 film I Escaped from Devil's Island, about an escapee from the former prison colony in French Guiana.
  • This is the first appearance of Detention Island.
  • Randy proves to be really good at math in this episode, shown by his equations to explain what happened to Principal Slimovitz.
  • Brock Octane is seen again, this time playing a Indiana Jones character that Howard is watching while in the blimp.
  • The fourth wall is technically broken by the pudding splattered onto the screen at the end of this episode.


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v - e - d Season One Episodes

Last Stall on the LeftGot Stank?So U Think U Can StankMcFists of FuryGossip BoyHouse of 1,000 BoogersMonster DumpAttack of the Killer PotatoesThe Tale of the Golden Doctor's NoteDawn of the DriscollNight of the Living McFizzlesViva El Nomicon30 Seconds to MathMonster DrillSilent Punch, Deadly PunchStank'd to the FutureWave SlayersSword QuestNukid on the BlockWeinerman UpEvil Spirit WeekDer Monster KlubGrave Puncher: The Movie!Escape from Detention IslandBash Johnson: 11th Grade NinjaShoob TubeStanks Like Teen SpiritRaiders of the Lost NomiconRise of the Planet of the Robo-ApesSecret StacheHip Hopocalypse NowNinja CampMcFear FactorRandy Cunningham and the Sorcerer's KeyThe Ninja IdentityThe Ninja SupremacyEnter the NomiconSwampy SecondsMcSatchleFart-TopiaThe McHugger GamesMcFreaksSorcerer in LovePranks for NothingLucious O’ThunderpunchBring Me the Head of Ranginald Bagel!Weinerman Tested, Cunningham ApprovedSorcerer in Love 2: The Sorceress's RevengeMcOne Armed and DangerousShloomp! There It Is!Randy Cunningham: 13th Century Ninja
