Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja Wiki

Dale is an evil robot who only appeared in "Escape from Scrap City".


When Randy was trying to figure his way out of Scrap City, he encountered Dale, who pretended to be an innocent robot. Believing that Dale was his new friend, Randy quickly trusted him and even cried when he had to leave Dale. However, Dale showed his true colors of being a deceiver for luring Randy into fighting against McFist. In the end, he escaped from Scrap City, although with severe damages due to being crashed by the leader of the Punk-Bots earlier.


  • It is unknown if Dale was created by Viceroy. His backstory for landing in Scrap City is also left ambiguous.
  • He is the only known robot to have escaped Scrap City.
  • His voice actor also cameo'd as Rorg, from the fictional 80s show, Rorg: Hero of a Past.